Vacancy @ MRT Jakarta

PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (MRT Jakarta) is a BUMD owned by Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta which is responsible to manage all activities of Mass Rapid Transit System development covering from Engineering Services, Construction, to Operations and Maintenance. Due to our current rapid development, we are inviting professionals to join our team in the following position:

1. Business Analyst
2. IT System Administrator

General Requirements:
  • Reputable university degree in Information Technology or Computer Science ;
  • 2 – 8 years working experience with maximum age of 30 years old; 
  • Proficiency in English is a must;
  • Able to work in pace challenging environment;
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills; 
  • ability to work as a team player;
  • achievement oriented and energetic are the key attitude and behaviors expected at MRT Jakarta

We only accept applications received via email to hr@jakartamrt. com, please indicate the position code in the email subject and do not send scanned documents or message more than 500kb. Application should be submitted no later than 26 March 2010. Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short- listed candidates will receive responses. Late submissions will not be considered and phone inquiries will not be accepted..

Lowongan staf Engineering& staf Utility

Kami perusahaan Toyota Group yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur komponen plastik tomotif terbesar di Indonesia, berlokasi di kawasan MM2100 Cikarang Barat, membutuhkan:
1. Staf Engineering
2. Staf Utility

dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
  Kualifikasi umum
  a) Laki-laki
  b) Pendidikan DIII Tehnik Mesin/ Tehnik Elektro
    dengan IPK minimal 2.75
  c) Usia maksimal 26 tahun
  d) Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  Spesifikasi skills
  a) Lancar dalam berbahasa Inggris
  b) Menguasai program Ms. Office
  Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan email ke:
  sebelum 1 April 2010


Job vacancy - Accounting

PT. EMKA Rekayasa Energi, an Engineering Consultant based on Jakarta is looking for the Accounting staff position.

The qualifications are:
University degree of Accountancy
Preferly experienced in the Accounting program, Tax, etc.
Good communication and good interpersonal skill

Please submit your CV, resume, and photograph no later than this month to:

PT. EMKA Rekayasa Energi
Att. To: Director of Administration and Finance Dept.
Bona Indah Plaza A2/C9 Jl. Karang Tengah Raya Lebak Bulus Jakarta 12440
Phone: 021-75910343

or by email to:
emka_re@yahoo. (emka_re@yahoo dot co dot id)

Lowongan PSIKOLOG/Asosiate, SEGERA (10 maret 2010)

Kami Konsultan SDM PT. Gerbang Prestasi Solusi (GPSJAKARTA Consulting) saat ini sedang mempersiapkan pekerjaan rekruitmen bagi sebuah kegiatan instansi pemerintah pusat, membutuhkan tenaga ahli (asosiate) psikolog sebanyak 20 orang dan berdomisili di Jakarta. Persyaratan yang kami butuhkan sbb:

1. Pendidikan Profesi Psikologi;
2. Berpengalaman sebagai psikolog minimal 8 tahun
3. memiliki Izin Praktek (SRIP dari HIMPSI)
4. Memiliki NPWP
5. Bersedia bekerjasama dalam sebuah team

Lamaran disampaikan kepada kami paling lambat hari Rabu 10 Maret 2010 melalui email ke gpsjakarta@gmail. com ( gpsjakarta at gmail dot com ) dengan melampirkan :

1. CV lengkap
2. Scan Ijazah profesi
3. Scan KTP
4. Scan SRIP (ijin praktek)
5. Scan Kartu NPWP
6. Scan Pasfoto

Lowongan Kerja


4. SPG
5. SPB
Kualifikasi :

A. Pria (5); Wanita (1,2,34)
B. Pend. Min D3 (1,2,3); Wanita Min SMA (4,5);
C. Lajang;
D. Usia Max.23Th (4,5); Usia Max.26Th (1,2,3);
E. TB: Min.158cm (4); Min.165cm (5); Min.160cm (1,2,3);
F. Pengalaman di bidangnya Min.1Th (1 s/d 5);
G. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik (1 s/d 5);
H. Berpenampilan menarik, ramah, dan komunikatif (1 s/d 5);                              
I.  Bersedia bekerja secara Shifting (1,4,5);
J. Jujur, teliti, tanggung jawab dan sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan (1 s/d 5).

Walk in interview :

Senin s.d Jumat Pkl. 09.00-14.00 WIB

Lamaran lengkap Anda dan pas Foto terbaru paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini ke: 
PT. Ciptakarya Mitra Mandiri
Komplek. Ruko Kebayoran Center Blok. B-4
Jl. Kebayoran Baru (Velbak), Jakarta Selatan
Tel: 021 7392643 Fax: 021 7392984 ( cmm at cmm-os dot com )

Lowongan Perum Jasa Tirta I

BUMN yang bertekad  untuk mampu mengelola sumber daya air secara profesional, inovatif  dan berkelanjutan dengan mendapat dukungan dari semua pihak yang  berkepentingan. BUMN Jasa Tirta 1 membuka lowongan kerja.

Perum Jasa Tirta I membuka kesempatan/ lowongan kerja bagi beberapa lulusan Sarjana (S1) Teknik Sipil / Pengairan - Kode : 001 Diploma (D III) Teknik Sipil - Kode : 002 Diploma (D III) Teknik Mesin. - Kode : 003
  1. Pria , berijasah Sarjana (S1) Sipil / Pengairan, Diploma (D III) Sipil & Diploma (D III) Mesin.
  2. Nilai IPK minimal 2,80 dan sanggup bekerja dilapangan.
  3. Usia pada waktu mengajukan lamaran maksimal 30 tahun.

Surat Lamaran ditulis dengan tangan dan ditujukan kepada :
Kepala Biro Pengembangan SDM & Umum PerumJasa Tirta I
Jl. Surabaya 2A
Malang 65115

Dilampiri :
1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
2. Foto copy ;Ijasah Terakhir & Transkrip (tanpa legalisir), (bagi yang belum,harap menyertakan surat pernyataan lulus asli) Surat Keterangan Lahir Kartu Penduduk yang masih berlaku Surat Keterangan Berkelakuan Baik/ SKCK Sertifikat kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer (bila ada)
3. Pas Foto Ukuran 4 X 6 ( 2 lembar )
4. Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 8 Maret 2010 dan ditutup pada tanggal 19 Maret 2010.
5. Khusus surat lamaran , formulir lamaran dapat di download di; www.hrdcorner. com atau www.hrdcorner. Info setelah diisi lengkap, kirim via email ke : lowongan.jasatirta@ dengan subyek email diisi kode lamaran
6. Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat administratif akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi, setiapA kebutuhan 1 orang akan dipanggil 10 pelamar terbaik. 

Keterangan :

Seleksi meliputi:
  • Tes Psikologi
  • Tes Pengetahuan Akademik &
  • Pengetahuan Umum
  • Bahasa Inggris (Toefl)
  • Tes Kesehatan
  • Wawancara.


Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha
Rekrutmen Pegawai Tidak tetap KPD SURABAYA

KANTOR PERWAKILAN DAERAH KOMISI PENGAWAS PERSAINGAN USAHA (KPD KPPU) SURABAYA membutuhkan Pegawai Tidak Tetap dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

Persyaratan Umum:
a.Jenis kelamin Pria/ Wanita;
b.Pendidikan minimal sesuai persyaratan pendidikan di atas;
c.Usia maksimal 23 Tahun untuk SMA dan 25 Tahun untuk DIII;
d.Teliti, tekun, rajin, dan punya kemauan belajar ;
e.Diutamakan yang berpengalaman dalam bidang pekerjaan yang dilamar.

Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Kepala KPD Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha Surabaya, Bumi Mandiri Lt. 7 Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 129, Surabaya 60271 dan paling lambat diterima tanggal 12 Maret 2010 oleh Panitia dengan mencantumkan kode sesuai kode jabatan yang dilamar dipojok kanan atas, serta melampirkan:
  • Fotocopy ijazah terakhir,
  • Daftar Riwayat Hidup,
  • Foto berwarna ukuran 4X6 sebanyak 2 lembar,
  • Fotocopy KTP,
  • Fotocopy Surat Keterangan Pengalaman Kerja bagi yang pernah bekerja,
  • Melampirkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian,
  • Melampirkan Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Rumah Sakit Pemerintah/ Puskesmas.

Hanya pelamar yang memiliki kualifikasi tertinggi yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya.

Jakarta, 3 Maret 2010

Lowongan Perum Peruri 2010


Sebagai Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) satu-satunya yang dipercaya oleh Negara untuk mencetak uang rupiah (baik uang kertas maupun uang logam) bagi Republik Indonesia, sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 tahun 2006. Selain mencetak uang rupiah Republik Indonesia, juga mencetak produk sekuriti lainnya, termasuk cetakan kertas berharga non-uang dan logam non uang.

(PERURI) Perusahaan BUMN di bidang percetakan uang membutuhkan  tenaga-tenaga professional yang memiliki keterampilan interpersonal,  loyal, berdedikasi tinggi, pekerja keras dan mampu bekerjasama dalam
tim, dengan jumlah kebutuhan dan posisi sebagai berikut:

Kualifikasi Umum:
1. Pendidikan min. S1 dari Perguruan Tinggi Terkemuka
2. IPK min. 3,00 (skala 4,00)
3. Usia maks. 30 th (batas kelahiran tertua 1 Agustus 1979)
4. Belum Berkeluarga
5. Aktif berbahasa Inggris (lisan dan tertulis)
6. Lebih disukai pengalaman min 2 th di bidang masing-masing

3 orang Staf Pemasaran (Kode: PMS)
- Kualifikasi khusus :
- Pend min. S1 Ek Manajemen, Eko Bisnis, Manaj Informatika, Hukum.

1 orang Staf Pengadaan (Kode: PNG)

- Kualifikasi khusus:
- Pend min. S1 Hukum

4 orang Staf Keuangan (Kode: KEU)

- Kualifikasi khusus:
- Pend min. S1 Eko Manajemen, Akuntansi, Perpajakan, Perbankan.

2 orang Staf Pengembangan (Kode: SDM)
- Kualifikasi Khusus:
- Pend min. S1 Psikologi

Aplikasi lamaran PERURI hanya dilakukan dengan pengiriman Formulir melalui Email, pendaftaran dibuka pada tanggal 6 Maret 2010 sampai dengan 10 Maret 2010. Hasil dari pendaftaran via email akan diumumkan pada tanggal 14 Maret 2010 di website http://www.lmfeui. com/peruri. Dalam proses seleksi ini akan diberlakukan sistem gugur, artinya calon/pelamar yang tidak lolos  pada tahap tertentu tidak diikutsertakan dalam tahap tes berikutnya.
Pada setiap tahap seleksi, hanya calon/pelamar dengan kualifikasi terbaik (shortlist candidates) yang akan diikutsertakan dalam proses seleksi tahap selanjutnya. Pengumuman hasil seleksi/test akan  dilakukan hanya melalui website: http://www.lmfeui. com/peruri

Intake Session-Hanze University (Applied Sciences)

"Six Universities across Europe, all specializing in Communication and Public Relations in International Professional Contexts". Partial scholarships are available!
The INTAKE Session – Hanze University Groningen (Applied Sciences) for
Master International Communication
Mrs. lekje Smit ( Program Director of Master International Communication)
Mr. Frans Somers (Communication and Marketing Expert)
Mrs. Tehupuring (Representative Indonesia)

Date: Friday, 12 March 2010
Time: 15.00 – 17.00
Place: NESO Indonesia
       Menara Jamsostek, 20th Fl  – Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto, Jakarta

Bring along your academic documents for on-spot application!
Free of Charge
RSVP: Representative Indonesia
T: 021 – 9676 9680, 0819 086 37498
Nuffic - Netherlands Education Support Office ( Neso) is a non-profit organization funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education. Nuffic Neso Indonesiais the representative office of Nuffic, the Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education. Nuffic Neso is the official representative in Indonesiafor all matters concerning Dutch higher education and promotes and provides information on more than 1400 study programs taught in English in the Netherlands.  

Lowongan Entry Data

Dibutuhkan "ENTRY DATA"PT. Pancaran Darat Trans,
membutuhkan staf entry data, dengan kualifikasi :

PriaUsia 22-26 tahun
Min.D3 Segala Jurusan
Bisa internet, word dan excel 2007
Bekeja shift
Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

Lamaran dikirim melalui email iqbal@pancaran- group.commax. com
1 minggu setelah berita ini(dari 7 Maret 2010)

Lowongan : Staff Akuntansi


PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading, Tbk. yang tergabung dalam Kalbe Group, merupakan salah satu distributor farmasi terbesar di Indonesia. Dengan jaringan yang tersebar di 42 cabang dari Aceh hingga Papua, Enseval mendistribusikan tidak hanya produk farmasi, tetapi juga consumer goods, nutrisi, kosmetik, raw material, dan alat-alat kesehatan.
Sejalan dengan perkembangan dan strategi bisnis di masa mendatang, kami mengundang individu –individu yang berpotensi dan bersemangat tinggi untuk menjadi bagian dari “Winning Team” kami melalui posisi:

·         Usia max 26 tahun
·         Lulusan S1 Akuntansi dari universitas terkemuka dengan IPK Min 2.75
·         Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang yang sama Min. 1 tahun
·         Menguasai Program MS Office terutama Excel dan Power Point

Bagi yang tertantang untuk berkembang dan berkarir bersama kami, kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta pas foto terbaru dengan kode jabatan di kiri atas paling lambat seminggu setelah lowongan ini dimuat ke :

PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading, Tbk.
Jl. Pulo Lentut 10, Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung,
Jakarta Timur 13920
Up. Staffing & Development Dept
e-mail : recruitment@

Urgently Vacancy for Siebel Consultant

We are an IT consulting and services Company located at Mega Kuningan is urgently looking for Siebel Consultant.

Siebel Consultant - CDP

Desired Candidate:
Male, Single
Max. 1 year experience or fresh graduate, majoring in Technical Informatics,
bachelor degree from reputable University with GPA min. 2.7 / 4.0
Proficient level in English both written and spoken.
Having knowledge of Java / XML/ Oracle database, Web Service, Database Design,
Network Able to work under pressure and a team player with high creativity, initiative & adaptive Having a good presentation skill
Positive attitude, hard working, strong interpersonal & communication skill Good analytical & problem solving skill
Only short listed applicants will be notified
Please send application together with CV and latest Photo
Please submit your application through crmcaerer@phintraco .com 
at the latest by March 31,2010

[Vacancy] SWA Magazine Group

(3 orang)
- Pendidikan min. S1
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman di media cetak / advertising.
- Memiliki networking yang luas & berorientasi pada target.

*(2 orang)*
- Pendidikan min. D3
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman menangani event & sponsorship
- Memiliki networking yang luas & berorientasi pada target.

*(3 orang)*
- Pendidikan min. D3
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman dibidang telemarketing
- Berorientasi pada target

*PERISET (kode : Riset) *

*(1 orang)*
- Pendidikan min. S1
- Bahasa Inggris aktif (lisan & tulisan)
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman dibidang riset (riset

*REPORTER (kode : REP)*
*(2 orang)*
- Pendidikan min. S1
- Bahasa Inggris aktif (lisan & tulisan)
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya, atau
pengalaman aktif dalam organisasi Pers Mahasiswa (untuk fresh
- Menyertakan contoh karya (portofolio)

*DESAINER (kode : DG)*
*(1 orang)*
- Pendidikan min. D3
- Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya
- Menyertakan contoh karya (portofolio)


*(1 orang)*
- Pendidikan min. S1
- Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya

Kirimkan surat lamaran dilengkapi CV, fotokopi KTP, fotokopi ijazah, dan transkrip nilai serta pasfoto terbaru (paling lambat 19 Maret 2010), ke alamat :

Kelompok Media Majalah SWA
Jl. Taman Tanah Abang III No. 23 JakartaPusat 10160

Come and Meet INHolland University Applied Sciences

Come and Meet INHolland University Applied Sciences
March 2, 2010
Would you like to study at INHolland University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands? Doing a competence-based learning degree at our Institute of Higher Education allows you to develop your theoretical knowledge as well as your professional skills. Being part of this ambitious educational community will enhance your career prospects.

As a student at INHolland you will meet impressive lecturers, interesting fellow students and potential future employers. You can put together your own degree programme according to your personal requirements and ambitions.

INHolland University of Applied Sciences offers the following English Bachelor programmes.

* Accounting & Finance (Specialisation Finance & Control)
* Aeronautical Engineering
* Communication (International Communication Management)
* Information Technology (Mathematics & Applications)
* International Business & Management Studies
* International Business & Management Studies (fast track)
* Leisure Management
* Marketing (Marketing Management)
* Media & Entertainment Management
* Small Business & Retailmanagement
* Tourism Management (Tourism & Recreation Management)

INHolland University of Applied Sciences Info Session will be held on:
Date :  Friday, 5 March 2009
Time : 13.00-15.00
Place: Nuffic Neso Indonesia
Menara Jamsostek 20th floor
Jl. Gatot Subroto No.38 Jakarta 12710
Cost  : Free of Charge (space is limited)

Mr. Jan Baas ( Information Technology Course Coordinator) and Mr. Munir Baroud ( IBMS student) will tell you comprehensive information about INHolland University of Applied Sciences.

Rosalia Damayanti
T: (021) 52902172 ext.231
F: (021) 52902173
Nuffic - Netherlands Education Support Office ( Neso) is a non-profit organization funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education. Nuffic Neso Indonesiais the representative office of Nuffic, the Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education. Nuffic Neso is the official representative in Indonesiafor all matters concerning Dutch higher education and promotes and provides information on more than 1400 study programs taught in English in the Netherlands.  

Info Lowongan

Sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk penempatan di wilayah Jabodetabek, beberapa posisi sebagai berukut:

1. HR&GA Staff (HRGA)
    Pria, Usia Max 30 tahun
    Pendidikan min S1 Psikologi atau Management
    Paham proses rekrutmen dan seleksi
    Memahami ruang lingkup kerja HR&GA
    Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
    Mempunyai pengalaman dibidang yang sama minimal 2 tahun (lebih diutamakan)

2. Funding and Treasury Staff (FTS)
    Pria/Wanita, Usia Max 30 tahun
    Pendidikan Min S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi, Managemen.
    Pengalaman di Perusahaan Pembiayaan/Bank (min 2 tahun)
    Mengerti tentang pendanaan
    Menguasai komputer minimal Ms Office

3. Product Development Staff (PDS)

    Pria/ Wanita, Usia max 30 tahun (entry level)
    Semua Jurusan, memahami strategi pengembangan produk (terutama otomotif)
    Menyukai pekerjaan administrasi
    Menguasai komputer minimal Ms Office
Kirimkan lamaran dan CV ke alamat: hrd@smarfinance. atau friska@smartfinance dengan mencantumkan kode lamaran pada subjek email.
Maksimal 15 Maret 2010

Lowongan programmer



* Menguasai MS Visual Studio .NET 2008 (VB/ASP)
* Berpengalaman dalam aplikasi web berbasis ASP.NET
* Usia maks 27 tahun dengan pengalaman kerja min 2 tahun

Lamaran dikirimkan ke:

Divisi SDM

PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputera Muda 1967

Jl. Wolter Monginsidi 43, Kebayoran Baru

Jakarta Selatan. 12180

atau id id>

(dengan menyantumkan subjek)

Lamaran dibuka sampai tanggal 31 Maret 2010

bisa dilihat di (http://www.bumida. php)

Vacancy at PT Telen Orbit Prima (PT United Tractors Tbk Group)


A dynamic
and integrated national Coal Mining,
PT Telen Orbit Prima (PT United Tractors Tbk Group), looking for highly
excellent candidates to joint with us. with the following positions :

(Code : MPE)

* As technical support between mine operations personnel and mine planning with an emphasis on long term planning and strategic option evaluation and analysis.
* Ensure layouts and plans are delivered in timely manner.
* Develop and implement short or medium to long term plus ensuring budgeted target are met and ensure these plans are delivered in a timely manner.
* Assist with evaluation of potential reserve acquisitions, conducting reserve analysis, identifying mine development opportunities and developing economic models.
* Coordinate with drafts person in development of property and mine maps and mining and recovery analysis studies.
* Male/female with maximum age of 35
* Minimum S1 degree in Mine Engineering
* Above 5 years experiences in a coal mining environment, with a detail knowledge of mining and project environments.
* High level of computer literacy, including knowledge of mine planning software/systems (MINCOM).
* Proven experience in mine planning would be desirable skill with the support of operational background
* Honest, detail oriented, highly motivated, and able to work in a team
* Willing to work together with major contractor in achieving an excellent result.
* Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels.
* Driven to achieve the highest Integrity, Safety & Health
* Willing to work at mine site.


The incumbent will responsible for
monitor and control the coal crushing plant daily operation.
Requirements :
* Male/female with maximum age of 35
* S1 degree in Mining/Geology/ Civil Engineering any other relevant disciplines with previous experience at least 3 years in the same field.
* High level of computer literacy
* Honest, detail oriented, highly motivated, and able to work in a team
* Willing to work at mine site.
* Willing to work together with major contractor in achieving an excellent result.
* excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels.
* Driven to achieve the highest Integrity, Safety & Health.

The incumbent will focus to actively
control the coal hauling operation to port (coal terminal)
Requirements :
* Male/female with maximum age of 35
* S1 degree in Mining/Geology /Civil Engineering any other relevant disciplines with previous experience at least 4 years in the same field
* High level of computer literacy
* Honest, detail oriented, highly motivated, and able to work in a team
* Willing to work at mine site.
* Willing to work together with major contractor in achieving an excellent result.
* excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels.
* Driven to achieve the highest Integrity, Safety & Health.

The incumbent will responsible for:
1. General
affairs matters such as building maintenance, office equipment and logistics.
2. Legal
& Permit matters such as port permit, explosive permit, IPPKH and others
mining related permit.

* · Male/Female
* · S1
Degree in Law with minimal 2 years experience in General Affairs and or Legal
& Permit
* · Good knowledge of Indonesian mining policy and regulation is a
* · Excellent
interpersonal skills
and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels.
* · High
of computer literacy
* · Honest,
detail oriented, highly motivated, and able to work in a team
* · Driven
to achieve the highest Integrity
* · The Position will be based at Jakarta Head Office

All candidates must fluent in English and always strive to excellent.
We offer competitive remuneration and attractive benefit package.

Please send your comprehensive resume (indicating contact
numbers and position code) together with a copy of your related certificates
not later than two weeks from the date of this advertisement to:

Capital – Recruitment
PT Telen Orbit Prima

(with position code as e-mail

Only short-listed qualified
candidates will be called for selection test

Lowongan Sekretaris Februari Maret 2010

Urgently Required

We, Choice Management Consultants, would like to introduce our Executive Search Division specializing in Recruitment and outsourcing. The main intention of our existence is to accommodate the needs of corporate clients in identifying well-qualified and experienced executives for placement in their pivotal positions, through our proven search methodologies and processes.

Our client, a well establish security service company, located in Pejaten, Jakarta is seeking a dynamic and ambitious professional to fill the position of:
Junior Secretary
* Hold minimum D-3 graduates from secretarial college
* With minimum 1 years of experience
* Strong communication and interpersonal skill
* Computer proficiency of Microsoft Office and internet
* Able to work in a team
* Dependable team player, quick learner and well-build commitment to professional business ethics
* Well-organized, initiative, creative, independent and self-motivated
* Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia.
* Preferred language(s): English (Active)
* Well appearance is a must

Interested candidates are invited to submit application by e-mail to the address below, before 5 February 2010. Only Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. 

Human Resources Department
Arthaloka Building, 11th floor, suite 1107-1108
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 2
Jakarta 10220
Telephone: (021) 251 1460-62
Facsimile: (021) 251 1459